Yes, Dear EDC Students and Friends,
A Winter Ball is long overdue…
So this year you are warmly invited to join us for some festive and
footloose frolics (of the Renaissance & Baroque variety) amongst friends. The details: 6.30pm on Friday 4th July, in the usual class venue – 181 Blues Point Road, North Sydney.
Hope to see you there, with the usual plate of finger food and/or drink to share (we’ll provide tea/coffee, cups, plates &c).
Please don’t forget that it is on a Friday evening this time.
Entry $15 ($5 children)
And we’d appreciate an RSVP by Wed 2 July so we have an idea of numbers.
PDF Invitation
With best wishes,
Fiona & John.
(02) 9416 5765 | 0400 104 969 | enquiries@earlydanceconsort.com.au