
Now it’s officially linked to the EDC website, welcome to our blog!
Not the most elegant word for a journal. Perhaps “commonplace-book” would be more a appropriate title for our collective antiquarian jottings. But I do like the notion of conversation, in the modern sense of social exchange, but with classical connotations of society “turning together”. Just the thing for our extended social circle.

As noted on our news page, we’ve intended for some time to find a way of opening up a conversation amongst the many (several hundred) wonderful and interesting friends we’ve made over the years amongst our students and colleagues.  So feel free to join in, and share ideas, tidbits, questions and suggestions that might be of interest to others in the EDC community.
No, you don’t have to sign up, or disclose personal information.  Looking is open to anyone, and commenting means just providing a distinguishing nickname (published) and an email address (not published).
There is an Inner Circle if you would like to share or ask about news of EDC members and friends over the years. Please email for the password.
All content is moderated by the EDC, and the blog is intended for the EDC community, not for search engines, advertising, data collection or other commercial purposes.