Evening Classes in Court Dance

Term 3 Evening Classes in Court Dance will begin on Thursday July 25, and run for 10 classes to September 26. Why not take a step inspired by a more elegant, graceful courtly past with dances both solemn and vivacious, set to beautiful music and in good company.
Please confirm that you plan to come along, providing a mobile number and email address if you are new to the class. The first class is free to try, and no prior experience or partner needed.
See our 2024 Class brochure for printable information or visit the EDC website Classes and Schedule pages for full details.

Evening Classes Term 4

Our Evening Classes in Court Dance resume for Term 4 at 6.15pm on October 12, at 181 Blues Point Road, North Sydney. The term will run for 10 weeks until 14 December, when we will have a little Christmas-End-of-Year gathering. Week 6 of the term, November 16, will be our Spring Ball – the first such event for 4 years since COVID. We have missed seeing so many EDC friends in that time, so we hope that you’ll be able to make it. 

Term 3 Classes postponed due to Sydney Lockdown

We nearly made it to the end of Term 2, cancelling the final class as cases were rising.

Right now we can’t make any promises as to when Term 3 will begin (having been planned for today 15 July). We hope to resume once Greater Sydney COVID-19 Lockdown comes to an end, and will be subject to any NSW Health Regulations.

Classes resume for Term 2 on Thursday 22 April

With apologies for the long silence, yes, our classes have been running since the COVID-19 lockdown was relaxed last year – with a COVID-19 Safety Plan in place, and observing distancing and all hygiene precautions.

Term 2 begins on 22nd April, 6.15pm at 181 Blues Point Road. See https://www.earlydanceconsort.com.au/classes/schedule.htm for details, The first class is free to try, but please let us know if you plan to come along, as numbers are limited for choreographic as well as safety reasons. All students and visitors must check in to class using our QR code, for contact tracing purposes.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Term 3 Classes 2020

Image of Court Dance for 2020
EDC Classes in Court Dance 2020

Term 3 Evening Classes are continuing with distancing and hygiene precautions according to our COVID-19 Safety Plan. Fun to see everyone again, and to enjoy exercising mind and body with dances and moves as solos. Thanks for your support. Let’s hope that we can continue thus… Details at www.earlydanceconsort.com.au/classes/schedule

Class cancellation due to COVID-19

Sadly we have come to the decision to cancel the remaining classes this term, due to the risk of contagion for students travelling to/from and participating in the classes (even hands-free). Check the website later for further updates as to when classes may resume. At this stage it seems unlikely that Term 2 will proceed.

We will miss you. Please keep well, and stay in touch.
All the best,
Fiona & John.


Classes 2020

Image of Court Dance for 2020

2020 Evening classes begin 30 January in North Sydney

We’re looking forward to another year of evening classes in North Sydney. They begin Thursday 30th January, at 6.15pm and will run for 10 weeks to 2nd April. See website for more information or download a brochure. Please email or phone if you have any questions. First class of term is free to try, and no partner or prior experience is necessary.

Apologies to our friends for neglecting the blog for so long. 2019 was a busy year, with classes, balls and performances as well. 2020 began early with an 11th Summer Course. We had a great group, drawing people from Canberra, Brisbane, Hobart, Sydney and surrounds to enjoy some intensive sessions on dances from the Renaissance, Baroque and 18th Century.

Classes 2019

Our evening classes in Court Dance resume for 2019 on Thursday 31 January, 6.15 pm in North Sydney (181 Blues Point Road). Please check the website for details (http://earlydanceconsort.com.au/classes/classes.htm – PDF brochure available). No previous experience or partner required. Come and try the first class before committing to the Term. Hope to see you there!

The Early Dance Consort – Evening Classes in Court Dance 2019, North Sydney

Christmas Party December 20 brings Term 4 to a close

An invitation to current, past and prospective students and friends of the Early Dance Consort – our Christmas Party will be held on Thursday 20th December, 6.30pm – 8.30pm, at the usual class venue, 181 Blues Point Road, North Sydney.  Please come and join us to celebrate with  a little festive dancing, a look at the dances we’ve been learning this year, and to catch up with old friends.

As is the custom, we welcome contributions for the table (simple finger food, non-alcoholic drinks – we’ll provide cups, plates &c). Hope to see you there.

Best wishes for a lovely Christmas – New Year and holiday season,

Fiona & John.

Term 3 Classes begin 26 July

Winter was traditionally the season for courtly dancing, so why not join us in Term 3?  You’re welcome to try the first class free of charge.  No prior dance experience required, nor do you need to bring a partner.  A delightful selection of dances from the English, French and Italian courts provides a little exercise ranging from sedate to surprisingly energetic – for mind as well as body!

Classes commence at 6.15pm on Thursday 26 July, in North Sydney (181 Blues Point Road).  For full details go to http://earlydanceconsort.com.au/classes/classes.htm

Image of courtly Renaissance couple dancing
Evening Classes in Court Dance 2018