Winter Weekend of Baroque Dance

Historic Dance Delights invite you to a…
Winter Weekend of Baroque Dance, 2 -4 August, 2024, Canberra
Workshops presented: by Fiona Garlick & John Barnard of
The Early Dance Consort (Sydney)
Dates: 2 August (Friday evening)  – 4 August (Sunday afternoon)  
Venue: Church Hall, All Saints Anglican Church, 9-15 Cowper Street, Ainslie ACT 2602  
For Details & Schedule:

Questions: contact
Historic Dance Delights

Evening Classes in Court Dance

Term 3 Evening Classes in Court Dance will begin on Thursday July 25, and run for 10 classes to September 26. Why not take a step inspired by a more elegant, graceful courtly past with dances both solemn and vivacious, set to beautiful music and in good company.
Please confirm that you plan to come along, providing a mobile number and email address if you are new to the class. The first class is free to try, and no prior experience or partner needed.
See our 2024 Class brochure for printable information or visit the EDC website Classes and Schedule pages for full details.

EDC Spring Ball 2023 – Thursday 16 November

An Invitation to a Ball to Celebrate the Spring
(which seems to have been somersaulting into Summer)
Date Thurs 16 November 2023 (=Term 4 Week #6)
Time 6.15 for 6.30pm—9.30pm
Place 181 Blues Point Rd, North Sydney (Class venue)
Entry Free for currently enrolled students
$10 for visitors/friends (See Invitation for payment options)
Wear Spring colours, costume if desired, dance shoes
 essential, but try to avoid high heels or trailing skirts
Bring Finger food (ready to eat) or
non-alcoholic drink (cups, plates &c provided)
RSVP: 11 November, SMS 0400 104 969

Evening Classes Term 4

Our Evening Classes in Court Dance resume for Term 4 at 6.15pm on October 12, at 181 Blues Point Road, North Sydney. The term will run for 10 weeks until 14 December, when we will have a little Christmas-End-of-Year gathering. Week 6 of the term, November 16, will be our Spring Ball – the first such event for 4 years since COVID. We have missed seeing so many EDC friends in that time, so we hope that you’ll be able to make it. 

Mid-Winter Ball Friday 8 July 2016

EDC_Winter_Ball_couple2 EDC_Winter_Ball_couple1

Dear Students & Friends,

We’re having our 2016 Mid-Winter Ball on Friday 8 July, 6.30-9.30pm,
& would be delighted if you can come and join us in some July jollity.
Friends & family are always welcome.
Wear warm, festive clothing or costume, & dancing shoes.
Bring a plate of simple finger food &/or drink (non-alcoholic) to share.
We’ll provide tea/coffee, cups, plates &c.

Hope to see you there!
Best wishes from
Fiona & John.

The Early Dance Consort
Entry $15 ($5 children) – please RSVP by 6 July
9416 5765 | 0400 104 969

PDF Invitation

English Masque “Cupid and Death” update & bookings


What is a Masque?
A Masque is a theatrical spectacle combining music, drama, song and dance.  Once performed in the royal courts in the 16th and 17th centuries, masques were lavish affairs that combined artistic performance with aristocratic socialising and participation.

Today masques are very seldom performed, so we are delighted to be able to announce that “Cupid and Death”, written by James Shirley in 1653, will be presented at the Glebe Cafe Church on 30th and 31st May, 2014.  With music composed by Matthew Locke and Christopher Gibbons performed on early instruments, with drama and dance to match, this will be a rare opportunity to experience one of the few entertainments to emerge from the turbulent era of Commonwealth England.

Shirley’s “Cupid and Death” is loosely based on the fable by Aesop.  By chance, both Cupid and Death come to stay at the same Inn, but when they depart the next day, they unwittingly carry the wrong weaponry.  What chaos will ensue?  Can order be restored?  A cast of intriguing and unexpected characters bring this wise and witty tale to life for modern audiences, while satirising the high and mighty of their day.
Not to be missed!

When and Where?
Friday 30th May 7pm, 2014
Saturday 31st May 2pm and 7pm, 2014
Glebe Café Church, 37 St Johns Road, Glebe (Sydney)
Bookings: Tickets through ClassikON
(choose date first) or go to direct links at
Poster PDF  Enquiries contact info

About the production:  (see
Words by James Shirley
Music by Matthew Locke and Christopher Gibbons
Produced by Imogen Granwal & Tara Hashambhoy
Directed by Nadia Piave
Choreography by Fiona Garlick
Chamberlain – Owen Elsley
Nature – Hester Wright
Mercury – Neil Kirkby
Host/Despair – Peter Williams
Cupid – Vanilla Tupu
Death – John Barnard/cast members
Chorus – Elli Bortolotti, Jenny Duck-Chong, Richard Black, Richard Bell

Dancing by The Early Dance Consort
Fiona Garlick – John Barnard – Raffaele Arcamone – cast

Raymond Harvey – Harpsichord
Samantha Cohen – Theorbo
Bridget Crouch and Tara Hashambhoy – Violins
Imogen Granwal – Cello



Welcome to the EDC Blog, to share news for friends of the Early Dance Consort. We hope to open up a conversation amongst our many early-dancing friends, and look forward to your contributions. Anyone can post comments, supplying a name (nickname published) and an email address (not published).