THE EARLY DANCE CONSORT ~ Renaissance & Baroque Dance

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Ensembles | Dance | Resources

Music Ensembles

Adelaide Baroque Featuring Musica da Camera and other exponents of baroque music on original instruments
Brandenburg Orchestra
Directed by Paul Dyer, Australia's finest period instrument orchestra, specialising in music of the baroque and classical era
Australian Haydn Ensemble Specialises in the music of the classical era, performing on historical instruments under the leadership of Artistic Director, Skye McIntosh.
Elysium Ensemble Melbourne-based baroque ensemble, founded by Greg Dikmans, joined in concert performances and on CD by Australia's leading early music specialists
Evergreen Ensemble Led by Shane Lestideau, an Australian baroque ensemble specialising in the art music and traditional folk music of the 17th and 18th centuries
Ironwood Ironwood is an Australian-based ensemble, committed to exploring music of the baroque, classical and romantic periods on early string and keyboard instruments
The Marais Project Marin Marais - A Life's Work concert series featuring the viola da gamba, directed by Jennifer Eriksson
The Muffat Collective The Muffat Collective specialises in the historical performance of Baroque music, seventeenth- and eighteenth-century music that is full of passion, vitality and energy.
Pinchgut Opera Chamber opera, directed by Erin Helyard & Antony Walker, with a focus on rarely-heard masterpieces of the 17th and 18th centuries
Salut! Baroque Baroque music ensemble led by Sally Melhuish and Tim Blomfield, with subscription concert series in Canberra and Sydney
Sydney Conservatorium
Early Music Ensemble
Directed by Neal Peres Da Costa - See Sydney Conservatorium's Box Officefor concerts
The Sydney Consort Ensemble featuring music of the 17th and 18th centuries, led by Monika and Stan Kornel
The Telemann Ensemble North Queensland's only specialist Baroque chamber ensemble, based in Townsville. See also Margaret Caley and Malcolm Tattersall
Thoroughbass Australia A group of dedicated musicians whose passion is music from the Baroque. With the aim of refreshing the mind, it explores the variety and colours of this era.

Dance Organisations

Ausdance NSW   for information about dance in NSW

Australian Dance Council National Dance Network

The Calendar of Early Dance - for information about early dance activities around the world

Society for Dance Research

Early Dance Circle

The Historical Dance Society (formerly Dolmetsch Historical Dance Society)

Nonsuch History and Dance

Music & Dance Resources

Australian Viola da Gamba Society

Early Music Association of NSW is no longer operating, but its website continues to provide a Concert Diary and other info. See also

The Sydney Society of Recorder Players

Musicological Society of Australia

Saraband Music  Early Music Specialists - Mediaeval and Renaissance to Baroque and Early Classical, music publications, directory of teachers, articles, and links

Orpheus Music


© The Early Dance Consort 2024.