THE EARLY DANCE CONSORT ~ Renaissance & Baroque Dance

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Winter Weekend of Baroque Dance Canberra 2-4 August 2024

Historic Dance Delights invite you to a...
Winter Weekend of Baroque Dance, 2 -4 August, 2024
Workshops presented: by Fiona Garlick & John Barnard of the Early Dance Consort (Sydney)
Dates: 2 August (Friday evening)  - 4 August (Sunday afternoon) - See below for schedule 
Venue: Church Hall, All Saints Anglican Church, 9-15 Cowper Street, Ainslie ACT 2602  

Join us to enjoy the aristocratic elegance of the Belle Danse (Beautiful Dance) of the Baroque era. Fiona and John will lead you through workshops in early 18th Century Dance from the court of Louis XIV.
The weekend will include introductory sessions to learn technique, steps and rhythms through to more advanced sessions to learn the various dance forms and figures of choreographies from the era of the great Sun King.  
Louis XIV of France changed the course of European dance history, promoting the aristocratic elegance and technical precision of French court dance, encouraging its development and notation and ensuring that French remains the language of classical ballet even today.  
The Baroque Winter School is designed to suit both those new to baroque dance and those with some experience. You will learn about the different Baroque dance forms including the Bourrée, Gavotte, Minuet, Sarabande & Gigue. No experience or partner required.

There are two ticket options available:  
Ticket A (Sessions 1, 2 and 5) - For newcomers to baroque dance, the Friday evening introductory session and first sessions on Saturday and Sunday offer an introduction to the technique, and the chance to sample excerpts building to a full dance.  
Ticket B (All 6 Sessions) - For those with a working knowledge of baroque dance, the afternoon sessions will be devoted to developing repertoire and style with one or more ballroom dances, while the introductory and first sessions on each day will provide an opportunity to work on technique.

Day Session Time Content For
Friday   6.30pm Registration, meet & greet All attendees
  Session 1 6.45-8.30pm Intro & technique Ticket A or B
Saturday Session 2 10-11.30am Technique & sequences Ticket A or B
  Morning Tea 11.30-11.45am Tea/coffee provided  
  Session 3 11.45am-1.15pm Repertoire Ticket B
  Lunch 1.15-2.15pm BYO Lunch  
  Session 4 2.15-3.45pm Repertoire Ticket B
Sunday Session 5 12.30-2.00pm Technique & dance/excerpt Ticket A or B
  Afternoon Tea 2.00-2.30pm Tea/coffee provided  
  Session 6 2.30-4.00pm Repertoire Ticket B
Ticket type Fee Notes For
TICKET A $85 Sessions 1, 2 & 5 Suitable for those new to
Baroque Dance
TICKET B $170 All 6 Sessions Recommended for those
with dance experience

What to wear
: Light comfortable clothes (layers work well in Canberra).
Flat, light shoes for warm-ups (such as ballet flats). Comfortable, light, secure low-heeled shoes for Baroque dance (such as Grecian Sandals/teaching shoes, Character shoes, or Jazz shoes).
What to bring: Water bottle. Tea/Coffee will be provided. Please bring a plate of something to share for Saturday morning tea and Sunday afternoon tea. BYO lunch on Saturday.
Questions: contact
Historic Dance Delights -


Early Renaisssance Dancing on the Green - led by Fiona & John for
Petersham Bowling Club's Medieval Day, Saturday 17 August 2024, 12 noon to 5pm
Dance image for Petersham Bowling Club Medieval Day 17 August 2024

There will be Early Renaissance dancing al fresco, led by Fiona & John, for
Petersham Bowling Club's Medieval Day
Saturday 17 August, 2024, 12noon - 5pm
*Renaissance dancing at 1pm on the top green
*Traditional garb is encouraged with best dressed prizes for young and old
See for more information about the displays of ancient martial and peaceable pursuits, and refreshments on offer.
The day is a free event for all, presented by the not-for-profit, community-owned, pokie-free
Petersham Bowling Club. 77 Brighton Street, Petersham NSW 2049.

EDC Classes 2024 Image of Renaissance Dance

Term 3 Evening Classes in Court Dance will begin on Thursday July 25, and run for 10 classes to September 26. We would like to remind you that the first class is free to try. Please confirm that you plan to come along, providing a mobile number and email address if you are new to the class.
See our 2024 Class brochure for printable information or visit Classes and Schedule pages for details.




Thanks to all who attended our Mid-Winter Ball on July 4 (which brought Term 2 classes to a close) and joined in some enjoyably energetic dances to keep the Winter cold at bay. Great to catch up with old friends and meet newcomers keen to sample the pleasures of early dance.

EDC Mid-Winter Ball, 4 July 2024, North Sydney

The Early Dance Consort invites you to our end-of-term Ball:
Thursday 4 July 2024, 6.15 for 6.30 pm—9.30 pm
181 Blues Point Road, North Sydney (the usual class venue)
Please wear warm and festive attire suitable for dancing,
and bring some easy finger food to share or some drink (no alcohol).
Cups & plates provided.
Enrolled students: no charge. Guests: $10 entry (cash/OSKO)
Hope you can join us for some Winter Revelry.
Warm wishes, Fiona & John.


Term 2 Evening Classes in Court Dance began on Thursday May 2, in North Sydney. Term 2 runs for 10 classes up to July 4, when there will be our Mid-Winter Ball (see above). We would like to remind you that the first class is free to try. Please confirm that you plan to come along, providing a mobile number and email address if you are new to the class.

Our Evening Classes in Court Dance resumed for 2024 on Thursday February 1, in North Sydney. Term 1 ran for 10 classes up to April 11 (with no class on February 15). 
See our 2024 Class brochure for printable information or visit Classes and Schedule pages for full details.

Summer Post-script: We had a wonderful group for the Course, with students coming from far and near. The steps and elegant figures of a charming Passepied and a Bourree (both from original 18th C notations) emerged over the three days, along with some sweeping English Country Dances and a French Contredanse for relaxation.

EDC Summer Course 2024 image & heading
Our SUMMER COURSE 2024 - Beguiling Baroque is planned for Wednesday 3 January to Friday 5 January, 9.15am to 3.45pm, in North Sydney. EDC Summer 2024 Brochure & Enrolment Form are now available to peruse & download as needed.

The Spring Ball - the first such event for 4 years since COVID - was on November 16. We have missed seeing so many friends in that time. Thank you to all those who came along, and especially to our wonderful musicians, Bridgitte and Fiona, who played some special dances for us.  

EDC Spring Ball 2023 image*

An Invitation to a Ball to Celebrate the Spring
(which seems to have been somersaulting into Summer)
Date Thurs 16 November 2023 (=Term 4 Week #6)
Time 6.15 for 6.30pm—9.30pm
Place 181 Blues Point Rd, North Sydney (Class venue)
Entry Free for currently enrolled students
$10 for visitors/friends (See Invitation for payment options)
Wear Spring colours, costume if desired, dance shoes
 essential, but try to avoid high heels or trailing skirts
Bring Finger food (ready to eat) or
non-alcoholic drink (cups, plates &c provided)
RSVP: 11 November, 2023 SMS 0400 104 969

 * The illustration is from a 1599 treatise on dance & gymnastics -
please do not try this at home

EDC Evening Classes 2023 image
CLASS UPDATE Evening Classes resume for Term 4 at 6.15pm on October 12, at 181 Blues Point Road, North Sydney. The term will run for 10 weeks until 14 December, when we will have a little Christmas-End-of-Year gathering. Week 6 of the term, November 16, will be our Spring Ball - the first such event for 4 years since COVID. We have missed seeing so many EDC friends in that time, so we hope that you'll be able to make it. 

Please let us know if you'd like to come along to Classes, and/or to the Ball.
See Classes for general information, and Schedule for more details about location, dates (including for 2024 classes), times etc. 2024 Class Brochure

Term 3 -  Evening Classes resumed for Term 3 at 6.15pm on July 20, in North Sydney. The term ran until 21 September, but was only 9 classes, with no class on August 3 due to a performance engagement.
Beginners welcome - no experience or partner needed. Drop us a line if you'd like to come along. See Classes for general information, and Schedule for more details about location, dates, times etc.
2023 Class Brochure PDF

Term 2 - with apologies - our evening class on May 4 was cancelled due to COVID. Classes resumed on May 11.

After a successful Term 1, and - we hope - a relaxing time over Easter, our Term 2 Evening Classes will resume on Thursday 27 April, at 6.15pm, 181 Blues Point Road, North Sydney. The term will run for 10 weeks, until 29 June. Please let us know if you'd like to come along. See Classes for general information, and Class Schedule for more details about location, dates, times etc.
2023 Class Brochure

Evening Classes recommenced for 2023 at 6.15pm on February 2, in North Sydney. The term ran for 10 weeks, until 6 April. See Classes for general information, and Class Schedule for more details about location, dates, times etc. 2023 Class Brochure

Our Summer Course 2023 "Back to baroque" was held in North Sydney January 4-6. Thanks to all those wonderful devotees of early music and dance who came from far and wide to share their talent and enthusiasm, and learn some elegant and energetic dances from early 18th century France and England.


EDC Summer Course in Court Dance 4-6 January 2023
Our 2023 Summer Course in Early Dance  will be held in North Sydney Wednesday 4-Friday 6 January. The Theme is "Back to baroque". Follow link for more details.


  © The Early Dance Consort 2024.

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