THE EARLY DANCE CONSORT ~ Renaissance & Baroque Dance

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Evening Classes in Court Dance 2022 
Term 4 Evening Classes begin at 6.15pm on Thursday 13 October, and will run for 10 weeks in North Sydney to 15 December.
Please see Class Schedule and 2022 Class Brochure for information.
We have been continuing with a revised COVID-19 Safety Plan to permit some proximity and contact while wearing masks. However, for Term 4 we would like to make mask-wearing optional, if students are happy with this. We encourage everyone to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and take advantage of the latest boosters. Numbers will continue to be restricted and hand hygiene, ventilation and cleaning will continue as before.
If you are interested in coming along to the classes, please email your details and let us know that you'd like to attend. We advise you to bring your own water and snacks, and to wear warm clothing in layers to keep warm as we maintain open windows for ventilation. As ever, if you are at all unwell, or have been exposed to any recent close contact or other risks, do get a COVID-19 test and stay home, following all NSW Health guidelines.

With Timbrell and Dance  

Update: See for video excerpts of the Renaissance dances.

A concert to celebrate the Sesquicentenary of St Paul’s Anglican Church Burwood

Ball at the court of Henri III of France

Members of the EDC will once again join Consort 8 in a concert of early music and dance as part of the Sesquicentenary celebrations for the beautiful St Paul's Anglican Church in Burwood.
With Timbrell and Dance
6.00pm Saturday 13 August 2022
at St Paul's Anglican Church, 205-207 Burwood Rd, Burwood.
Please see or download flyer for important information about the performance, tickets & transport. Bookings. PDF Flyer

Evening Classes in Court Dance 2022 
Term 3 Evening Classes in Court Dance began at 6.15pm on Thursday 21 July, and ran for 10 weeks in North Sydney to 22 September.
Please see Class Schedule and 2022 Class Brochure for information.
We continued with a revised COVID-19 Safety Plan to permit some proximity and contact while wearing masks, but required everyone in attendance - teachers, students and any visitors - to show that they have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (unless having a valid medical excuse). Numbers were restricted, and masks were to be worn indoors including during the class. Hand hygiene, ventilation and cleaning requirements continued as before.
If you are interested in coming along to the classes, please email your details and let us know that you'd like to attend. We advise you to bring your own water and snacks, and to wear warm clothing in layers as we maintain open windows for ventilation. As ever, if you are at all unwell, or have been exposed to any recent close contact or other risks, do get a COVID-19 test and stay home, following all NSW Health guidelines.

Our friends from Consort 8 presented In the Stillness of Time on Saturday 30 April, 6pm, at St Paul's Anglican Church in Burwood, featuring music of Ahle, Caldini, Campion, Cavendish, Dowland, Kogler, Lane, Ravenscroft, Sieg and Tunder. Details

Evening Classes 2022 Term 2 commenced at 6.15pm on Thursday 28 April, and ran in North Sydney on 10 Thursday evenings to 30 June.

2022 Evening Classes Term 1 commenced on Thursday 3rd February at 181 Blues Point Road, North Sydney. We managed to get through the whole term, returning to the former extended schedule, observing the necessary precautions. 

PLEASE NOTE for the safety of all, CLASSES will resume in 2022 under a COVID-19 Safety Plan
and subject to NSW Government Health regulation.

See Schedule for the full details. 2022 Class Brochure

EDC Summer Course in Early Dance 5-7 January 2022

Summer Course 5 - 7 January 2022
A special Baroque edition....
With sincere apologies for the late notice due to COVID-19 uncertainties, yes, we have decided to plan and hope to hold a Summer Course - Wednesday 5 to Friday 7 January, between 9am and 4pm each day, at 181 Blues Point Road, North Sydney. See Summer 2022 for details. Brochure    Enrolment Form

Please let us know if you are interested in attending the course, which will focus on the technique and select repertoire of the Baroque dance. La Belle Danse - the beautiful dance - evolved at the court of Louis XIV of France, and had a major influence on the development of what we now know as classical ballet, and on the European musical repertoire from the late 17th century through much of the 18th.

For the safety of all participants, we will be conducting the course under a COVID-19 Safety Plan, with double vaccination, check-in, limited numbers, masks (optional during exercise) and distancing and hygiene requirements.  Baroque dance is well-suited to these needs, with limited or no partner contact, and a variety of steps and figures to suit solo or couple performance. Learning something of the precise technique of the different dance types in the Baroque repertoire can be a revelation to musicians. It can provide insights for dancers and actors into the cultural origins of classical ballet and ballroom dance, and into courtly deportment for the stage.

Footnote to the 2022 Summer Course - yes, it really happened, and we were delighted to welcome a wonderful group of students from near and far, for three days of intensive Baroque dance. Thank you all! 


With Timbrell and Dance - Concert postponed
Members of the Early Dance Consort will (sometime) be appearing in another concert with Consort 8. Originally scheduled for 6.00pm on Saturday 7 August, at St Paul's Anglican Church in Burwood, the concert is postponed due to the current Greater Sydney COVID-19 lockdown, with a date yet to be announced. It will be part of celebrations for the 150th Anniversary of the Church. See  for more information.

Evening Classes in Court Dance 2021

CLASSES will recommence for part of Term 4,  2021 under a COVID-19 Safety Plan
and subject to NSW Government Health regulations

2021 Evening Classes - term 4 planned to commence, but late

Please see Class Schedule for the 2021 Class Program in North Sydney.
We hope to begin Term 4 on October 28 (2 weeks later than scheduled), with a new COVID-19 Safety Plan. Everyone in attendance (16 years and over) - teachers, students and any visitors - will be required to show that they have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (unless having a valid medical excuse). We will need to restrict numbers, wear masks indoors including during the class, and use QR check-in, observe physical distancing, hand hygiene, ventilation and cleaning requirements.

Recent students have been contacted by email to advise of resumption of classes, and we welcome any one else who may be interested in attending. However it is essential that you let us know if you'd like to attend, as we need to limit numbers, ensure vaccination status, and record contact details for COVID-19 tracing and our administrative purposes. Everyone will now be familiar with the Service NSW smartphone app required to scan our QR code, check in and out of classes, and to provide proof of vaccination. Please wear a mask, and bring your own water and snacks. If you are at all unwell, or have been exposed to any recent contact, hotspot or travel risks, do get a COVID-19 test and stay home, following all NSW Health guidelines.

See Classes for more info & Schedule for dates & details. PDF Brochure .

2021 has been an interesting year for classes, as we lost Term 3 in the limbo of lockdown. Term 4 is under way and will continue until 16 December. We have been operating under a new COVID-19 Safety Plan, with various health requirements including masks, QR check-in, vaccination, distancing and other hygiene measures.

2021 Summer Course - The Early Dance Consort

2021 Summer Course 6 to 8 January CANCELLED as of 31 December 2020

Sadly, the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak in Sydney in December led to our decision to cancel the course out of concern for the health of all involved. A sincere thank you to everyone who was planning to come, from near and far. We missed seeing you all at what was to have been our 12th Summer Course, and hope to meet up again before too long.


Evening Classes in Court Dance 2020

2020 Evening Classes
Term 4 will begin on Thursday 15 October, and, COVID-19 permitting, will run for 10 weeks up to 17 December, just one week before Christmas Eve.
Our distanced dancing and exercising solo under a COVID-19 Safe Plan, proved worthwhile in Term 3, so we plan to continue with physical distancing (hands free of course), observing the usual hygiene precautions and subject to the advice of the NSW Department of Health. 
It is essential that you let us know if you'd like to come along, as we need to limit numbers & to have contact details. We recommend wearing a mask when travelling on public transport, and in class if you prefer to do so, as well as using hand sanitiser regularly, and having the COVIDSafe app active on your phone. Bring your own water and snacks, and get a COVID-19 test and stay home if you are at all unwell, or have been exposed to any recent contact, hotspot or travel risks.
See Classes for more info & Schedule for dates & details (2020 Brochure). 

POSTSCRIPT to Courtly Ayres and Dances with Consort 8, in Burwood on September 19:
Thanks to all who came along and gave us such a wonderful reception. There is a review by ClassikON at

Consort 8 has kindly provided some videos, at - take a look!

Courtly Ayres And Dances 29 August 2020
Members of The Early Dance Consort will be appearing as guests with Consort 8 in
A fund-raising concert to support St Paul's Pantry SOLD OUT
Saturday 19 September 2020, 6pm (new date) 
St Paul's Anglican Church, 205-207 Burwood Rd, Burwood
Tickets online & at the door $35 (concession $30)
For more details see Concert Flyer and Consort 8 website
Let them know if you missed out and would like a repeat performance!

* In keeping with the COVID-19 Regulations, social distancing will be adhered to

CLASSES have resumed for Term 3 under a COVID19 Safe Plan
subject to any NSW Government restrictions

Evening Classes in Court Dance 2020

Evening Classes in North Sydney commenced for Term 1 on Thursday 30 January, and ran for 7 of the planned 10 weeks, until the COVID-19 Pandemic lockdown intervened.

Term 2 Classes were cancelled with the exception of a couple of experimental classes when restrictions eased in late June. Now it is our plan and hope to recommence Evening Classes for Term 3 on Thursday 23 July. All going well, the term will run for 10 weeks, up to 24 September. 2020 Brochure

Needless to say, we will be dancing and exercising solo, operating under a COVID-19 Safe Plan, with physical distancing (hands free), the usual hygiene precautions, and subject to the advice of the NSW Department of Health. But it will be good to enjoy musical exercise for body and mind, and to see your friendly faces again. 
Please let us know if you'd like to come along, as we need to know exact numbers & contact details.
Don't forget the first class of term is free to try, if you're unsure. No previous experience or partner required.

We recommend wearing a mask when travelling on public transport, using hand sanitiser regularly, and having the COVIDSafe app active on your phone. Please bring your own water and snacks, and stay home if you are at all unwell, or have been exposed to any recent contact or travel risks. See Schedule for more details.

EDC 2020 Summer Course in Early Dance
Our 11th Summer Course in Early Dance for 2020 ran from Wednesday 8 January to Friday 10 January, at the usual venue in North Sydney. Follow the link for more information.


Christmas 2019 Invitation
Our Christmas-End-of-Year Party will be held on Thursday December 19, 6.30-9pm.
All welcome - students current, past and prospective, friends and family.
At our class venue: 181 Blues Point Road, North Sydney.
Please drop in if you can spare the time...
to catch up with friends, dance a little & partake of a shared feast.
Please bring some simple finger food or something non-alcoholic to drink,
ready to share (cups, plates etc provided).
Cool festive attire recommended, dance shoes essential.
Looking forward to seeing you.
With best wishes from Fiona & John.


 Following the great success of our Scottish Baroque Winter Ball in June, we'll be having a
Spring Renaissance Ball - Friday 15th November, 6.30-9.30pm in North Sydney
EDC Spring Ball 2019
Dear EDC Students & Friends,

You are warmly invited to our Spring Ball, on Friday 15th November at 81 Blues Point Road, North Sydney. Come and join us to dance with guest Renaissance musicians from the Sydney Conservatorium, under the guidance of cornettist, Matthew Manchester (Camerata Antica).
Please bring some simple finger food &/or non-alcoholic drink, ready to share (cups, plates etc provided). The theme is Spring/Renaissance (dancing shoes essential). Entry $20 ($5 children).
Hope to see you there.
With best wishes from Fiona & John.

RSVP ~ 0400 104 969 or email  (printable Invitation)

Scottish Baroque Winter Ball 2019

Scottish Baroque Winter Ball - Thursday 13 June, 6.30pm-9.30pm
181 Blues Point Road, North Sydney.
We are thrilled to announce that we will be joined by a fabulous ensemble of musicians from Scotland and Australia, in an evening of Scottish music, song and dancing from the baroque to early Colonial Australia, featuring:
David McGuinness (keyboards) and Aaron McGregor (violin) from Scotland's Concerto Caledonia, and musicians from the Melbourne-based Evergreen Ensemble, led by Shane Lestideau (violin), with Ben Dollman (violin/viola) from the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra, Lucy Price (cello) and Allegra Giagu, (mezzo-soprano).
Invitation: Although this is one of our regular class nights, we want to share this evening, so it is open to all - please don't miss this event, whether you'd like to join in some dancing, or come to enjoy the wonderful music!

Entry: $20 for adults, $5 for children (no additional charge for students currently enrolled in the term).
If you can, please consider making an additional donation for our musical guests. 

Dress: For all, but especially those intending to join in the dancing, please wear something in keeping with our Scottish theme - period costume would be brilliant. Alternatively, for ladies - a gown or long skirt, and for men - a kilt, or add a sash to your ensemble.  Flat dancing shoes essential (ballet flats, ghillies, jazz shoes).

: As is our usual custom for the ball, we would grateful if you would bring something to share - simple finger food, and/or something non-alcoholic to drink. Cups, plates &c provided.

Bookings essential: Please email, SMS or phone 0400 104 969 to confirm your attendance, as places are strictly limited. Invitation PDF

The Evergreen Ensemble and guests will be touring with concerts and workshops on the theme "Curious Caledonians" exploring the Scottish roots of early Australian Colonial music. See for more details and ticketing links to events in Sydney (June 7), Berry (June 11), Wentworth Falls (June 12), Melbourne (June 14), Geelong (June 15), and Adelaide (June 16) along with our Scottish Ball in North Sydney on June 13. The tour will result in an ABC Classics Recording "One Hundred Days Away", to be launched in November.  See for information.

Term 2 classes commenced on Thursday 2 May, at 6.15pm and will run for 10 weeks until 4 July.  Venue: 181 Blues Point Road, North Sydney.
No previous experience is required, and no need to bring a partner.
See Classes, Schedule or download a 2019 brochure for details.
The term will feature a very special ball on 13 June - a Scottish Baroque Winter Ball. See more above.

Autumn Ball 2019

At last a Ball - for Autumn ...
Thursday 11th April, 6.30pm to 9.30pm, at 181 Blues Point Road, North Sydney.
All welcome: students, friends, families & anyone interested in coming to try early dance.
Please bring some simple finger food &/or something non-alcoholic to drink,
ready to share (cups, plates etc. provided).
Autumnal tones and dancing shoes are the suggested attire.
Hope to see you there.
RSVP 0400 104 969  or email
Entry $20 ($5 children)  Invitation

EDC Evening Classes 2019

Term 1 classes come to a close on Thursday 4th April, with an Autumn Ball the following Thursday 11 April. Term 2 will resume on Thursday 2 May, at 6.15pm
Venue: 181 Blues Point Road, North Sydney.
Please note we offer the first class of each term as a trial, so you can join in
and get a feel for early dance before committing to a full term.
No previous experience is required, and no need to bring a partner.
See Classes, Schedule or download a 2019 brochure.

2019 Summer Course

The 2019 Summer Course in Early Dance (our 10th) was held in North Sydney from Wednesday 9 January to Friday 11 January.  It was a great chance for people who can't make the classes to come and have some intensive early dance sessions, working on a range of dances from the 16th to the 18th century (and get some exercise too).
PDF brochure & enrolment form.
Please note Early-bird enrolment was available until December 21 


2019 Christmas Party, 20 December
The EDC Christmas Party was held on Thursday 20th December, 6.30pm-8.30pm
at the usual class venue.
All welcome - students current and past, friends and families.
Please bring a contribution for the table - simple finger food and/or something non-alcoholic to drink. Festive, cool attire, and remember those dancing shoes.
 PDF Invitation


Renaissance Dancers - Evening Classes in Court Dance 2018Dancing for Spring - Tra la (with apologies to G & S) 
Term 4 Evening Classes commenced Thursday 18 October, and ran for 10 weeks up to our Christmas Party on 20 December. Visit our Classes page for links to information about classes and the benefits of early dance, along with details about what to wear, and the class Schedule and 2018 Class Brochure.


High Heels & Ghillies - Performance Sunday 27 May, 2.30pm in Macedon, Victoria.
A concert of music & dance from 18th-Century Scotland and France, presented by Evergreen Ensemble, under the direction of Shane Lestideau.
Beautiful instrumental and vocal works from the French Baroque period, Breton circle dances, Highland airs, and Scottish baroque jigs and reels. With special guests Fiona Garlick and John Barnard - baroque dancers & directors of Australia’s Early Dance Consort.

High Heels & Ghillies FlierShane Lestideau: Baroque violin, direction
David Rabinovici: Baroque violin & viola
Natasha Kraemer: Baroque cello
Myriam Arbouz: Soprano (France)

Fiona Garlick & John Barnard: Baroque dance

Dance in 18thC Scotland was strongly influenced not only by its own traditional dance repertoire, but by the French court. Dances such as the Sarabande, Corrente and Minuet were coupled with Scottish jigs and reels to form sonatas or suites. In France itself, a huge diversity of dance styles could be found between the balletic fashions of the royal courts of Louis XIV and the popular dances of the country villages. Evergreen Ensemble, with violins, cello, and the glorious voice of Myriam Arbouz, invite you to follow the intricate steps of these marvellous dancers as they wind their way down from the Highlands to Edinburgh and Versailles, Brittany, and the Centre of France. (See for information about other performances.)

Sun 27 May, 2:30pm, Church of the Resurrection Cnr Honour Avenue and Mount Macedon Road, Macedon, Victoria 3440. Bookings:  



 Term 2 Evening Classes in Court Dance will begin on Thursday 3 May, and run for 10 weeks to July 5. The venue is at 181 Blues Point, North Sydney. Take a look at our Classes page for links to full information about the classes and the benefits of learning early dance, along with details about what to wear, the full 2018 Schedule and Class Brochure PDF. 


2018 Summer Course image2018 Summer Course in Early Dance
Our 9th Summer Course was held from 10 -12 January (Wednesday to Friday) at the usual venue in North Sydney. Follow link for full details or see 2018 Summer Brochure and enrolment form.



EDC 2017 Christmas Party image

The EDC Christmas Party will be on Thursday 14 December, 6.30-9.00pm. All welcome - students past, present and future (no ghosts!) and friends - to come and join us to celebrate another year of early dancing and mark the festive season in good company, with a little food & drink, conversation & dancing. Attire: Festive, with dance shoes.  As usual, please bring a plate of simple finger food or something non-alcoholic drink-wise to share. Cups and plates supplied. Hope to see you there.


2018 Evening Classes in Court Dance imageEvening Classes in Court Dancing came to an end for 2017 with the Christmas Party, but resumed in 2018. Follow links for information and 2018 Schedule, plus printable Brochure.


2017 Term 4 Classes held on Thursdays at 6.15pm, from 12 October, will run for 10 weeks up to and including our Christmas Party on Thursday 14 December. Classes are located in North Sydney, close to public transport.  Please visit our Classes page for further information. 2017 Class brochure


EDC 2017 Spring Ball 29 September, North Sydney

Dear EDC Students & Friends,

Bees aren’t the only ones dancing for Spring!

We’re hoping that you can join us for our
2017 Spring Ball -
Friday 29 September, 7.15-10pm,

at the usual class venue, 181 Blues Point Rd, North Sydney.

Please bring some simple finger food &/or drink (non-alcoholic) to share
(cups, plates &c provided) - not forgetting those dancing shoes.

Looking forward to seeing you there, in colours of Spring.
Best wishes from Fiona & John.
RSVP 27 September 
Entry $15 ($5 children)  PDF Invitation


Our 2017 Mid-Winter Ball falls on Bastille Day, Friday 14 July - so what better opportunity
to celebrate with French dances of the Ancien Régime plus one or two from La Révolution?

 2017 EDC Mid-Winter Bastille Ball image
It will be on Friday 14 July, 2017 from 7-10pm (a little later than usual),
at the usual venue, 181 Blues Point Road, North Sydney.
Dress for dancing (and warmth) to match the Tricolore or
French-inspired costume if you can.
Confrères welcome, naturally.
Please bring some simple finger food &/or drink (non-alcoholic) to share
(we’ll provide cups, plates &c), in the spirit of égalité.
Hope to see you there! Best wishes from
Fiona & John.
RSVP 12 July
Entry $15 ($5 children) Invitation


Term 2 Evening Classes will come to an end on Thursday 29 June. Term 3 Classes will begin after a 2-week break, at 6.15pm on Thursday 20 July, and will run for 10 weeks, up to Thursday 21 September. Please see our Classes pages for full details, including links to What to Wear, Class Schedule and 2017 Class Brochure.

Apologies if you tried to email us or visit website between 23 and 25 March. We, along with many other local businesses, were affected by a major outage.


2017 Summer Course in Early Dance
2017 Summer Course in Early Dance
January 11-13 in North Sydney,
with Summer Ball on 13 January.  PDF Brochure & Enrolment Form.


EDC 2016 Christmas Party

Christmas Party 2016

Thursday 15th December, 6.30-9.00pm, 181 Blues Point Road, North Sydney

Dear EDC Students & Friends,

The end of Term 4 is fast approaching, and with it our Christmas-cum-End-of-Year Party.
All students past & present, friends and family are welcome to join us for
a little dancing & festivity amongst friends.

Please wear something cool and colourful, and bring dancing shoes,
plus some simple finger food (nothing which needs knives/forks)
and/or some non-alcoholic drink. Cups & plates provided. (There is no charge.)

If you have the time, we’d be delighted to see you there.
Happy Christmas and Holidays.
With best wishes,
John & Fiona.

RSVP 12 Dec


Early Dance Consort Evening Classes 2016 image

Term 4 Classes are running on Thursday evenings at 6.15pm, in North Sydney.  The term will continue up to and including our Christmas Party on Thursday December 15. Students past and current, friends and family all welcome.
For full details see our Classes pages, with links to What to Wear, Class Schedule and Brochure for 2017.


EDC 2016 Spring Ball

Dear EDC Students & Friends,

Spring has certainly sprung, so we’re hoping that you might be able to join us for our
2016 Spring Ball on Friday 30 September, 6.30-9.30pm.
We’d be delighted to welcome you, partner/friends/family
to our celebration of Spring and springing dances.
Attire: period or colourful costume, plus those dancing shoes.
Bring: simple finger food &/or drink (non-alcoholic) will be a nice
contribution to our shared repast. We’ll provide cups, plates &c.
Looking forward to seeing you there. Best wishes from

Fiona & John.

Friday 30 September, 6.30—9.30pm
181 Blues Point Road, North Sydney
Entry $15 ($5 children)
RSVP 29 September 
PDF Invitation



Saturday August 20, 7pm (Melbourne)

What better way to deepen our appreciation of the dance movements of the Bach Suites than through dance itself?  Baroque cellists Rosanne Hunt and Josephine Vains and baroque violinist Shane Lestideau collaborate with Fiona Garlick and John Barnard of Sydney's Early Dance Consort in an exquisite program of works by Bach, Lully, Couperin, Marais and Scottish composers of the eighteenth century. Baroque Dance - Fiona & John

Baroque dancers
Fiona Garlick  John Barnard

Rosanne Hunt
Josephine Vains

Shane Lestideau 

Special guest violinist
Elizabeth Wallfisch

Melba Hall, Royal Parade, Parkville (Melbourne)
$35 Adult  $25 Concession
Children 12 and under FREE
phone 0412 957 510 or

Baroque Dance Workshop

Sunday August 21, 2-5pm (Melbourne)
Join Fiona Garlick and John Barnard of Sydney's Early Dance Consort as they lead you into the elegant world of French baroque dance.

Baroque Dance - MinuetIf you love Baroque music, you may have wondered what a Minuet, Sarabande or Gavotte might look and feel like to dance. This workshop is the perfect opportunity to step back to the baroque era for a taste of the French noble dances which graced European ballrooms and theatres for nearly a century, and gave the baroque suite its character.

Fiona Garlick and John Barnard will guide you in the technique and distinctive qualities of a selection of baroque dance types, and demonstrate excerpts from original choreographies of the era.

Date: Sunday August 21, 2-5pm
Venue: Pleasance House
Address: Level 4/178 Collins Street, Melbourne
Cost: Adult $65 / Concession $55 - Earlybird discount $55 / $45 if booked before July 29
Enquiries: Contact the Early Dance Cconsort
No previous experience or partner required
Clothing: Loose & comfortable to allow freedom of movement (avoid tight skirts or trousers)
Shoes: Lightweight, secure, and comfortable shoes with low heel or flat,
preferably without a rubber sole (e.g. ballet flats, jazz or character shoes, or light street shoes). 
Flyer PDF


EDC 2016 Mid-Winter Ball

Dear EDC Students & Friends,
We’re having our 2016 Mid-Winter Ball on Friday 8 July, 6.30-9.30pm,
at the usual venue, 181 Blues Point Road, North Sydney.
We would be delighted if you can come and join us in some July jollity.
Friends & family are always welcome.

Wear warm, festive clothing or costume, & dancing shoes.

Bring a plate of simple finger food &/or drink (non-alcoholic) to share.
We’ll provide tea/coffee, cups, plates &c.

Hope to see you there! Best wishes from
  Fiona & John.

RSVP 6 July 
Entry $15 ($5 children)   PDF Invitation


EDC 2016 Autumn Ball 

2016 Autumn Ball - Friday 22 April, 6.30pm at 181 Blues Point Road. PDF invitation.

Dear EDC Students & Friends,
It’s time for our Autumn Ball on Friday 22 April, from 6.30pm to 9.30pm.
You are most warmly invited to come and join us—friends and family too—for some Autumnal dancing and mingling amongst friends.
Please bring a plate of simple finger food and/or drink to share (we’ll provide cups, plates &c).
We do hope you can make it.
With best wishes from Fiona & John.

Entry $15 ($5 children) - please RSVP by 20 April.


EDC 2016 Summer Course in Renaissance & Baroque Dance 

2016 Summer Course in Renaissance & Baroque Dance.  Held from Wednesday 6 to Friday 8 January, concluding with a Summer Ball on the Friday evening, 8 January, 6.30-9.30pm - all welcome to come to the ball, students, participants, friends, family & anyone interested in early music and dance. 
Summer Brochure  |  Enrolment Form


EDC Christmas 2015
Christmas Party - Thursday 17 December

(just one week before Christmas Eve)
at the usual class venue in North Sydney
(181 Blues Point Road). 
All welcome - friends, family, early dance/music aficionados and the curious! 
No charge - just bring along some finger food, and/or something non-alcoholic to drink (cups & plates provided). 
Suggested attire is festive, cool, and suitable for dancing (not forgetting light, comfortable dance shoes). 
So do join us to celebrate another delightful year of antique dancing that keeps us on our toes literally and metaphorically
(those courtiers were no slouches when it came to Terpsichorean skills).
Best wishes from
Fiona & John.
Invitation PDF


EDC Spring Ball 2 October 2015

Spring Ball 2015 - Friday 2 October, 7.00pm
181 Blues Point Road, North Sydney
Entry $15 ($5 children)

Dear Friends,

We’re springing a ball on you!
It will be on the Friday of the October long weekend—2 October.
Hope you can make it...

We need to spring into action to test out the newly-sprung floor at our favourite venue.
Hope you, friends & family can join us.

Finger food & non-alcoholic offerings are gratefully received & enjoyed by all.
Plates, cups &c provided.  Please wear something colourful (or historical)
to celebrate the season - and do remember those dancing shoes.

We look forward to sharing some conversation and
choreographic antiquities with our dear dancing friends.
Best wishes from

John & Fiona.

RSVP September 30

PDF Invitation


Mid-Winter Ball, Friday 10 July 2015

Mid-Winter Ball 2015 - Friday 10 July, 7.00pm
181 Blues Point Road, North Sydney
Entry $15 ($5 children)

An Invitation To Students & Friends...
Our 2015 Mid-Winter Ball will be held on Friday 10th July, in North Sydney.
Students, friends & family are most welcome to join us for some warming Winter dancing. 
Winter is the traditional Festive season for Balls and other entertainment, and perfect for some elegant indoor exercise.
If you can, please bring a plate of simple finger food and/or something non-alcoholic to drink (we’ll provide tea/coffee, cups, plates &c).
Wear something warm & festive (ideal for dressing up) and bring those dancing shoes.
Please note that the Ball will be on a Friday at a later time of 7.00 pm (and the week before Term 3 Classes commence).
Looking forward to seeing you there.

With best wishes,
Fiona & John.

RSVP by Tues 7 July ~ PDF Invitation


Baroque Dance Music CD by Les Matelots
This crowd-sourced project on Indiegogo, ran until April 30, but they have decided to go ahead with the CD release.  A rarity - a CD of music specifically for baroque dance choreographies and contredanses.  We're very pleased with our copy.
More info at and on the EDC blog


Autumn Ball 2015 - Thursday 16 April, 6.30pm, in North Sydney. This year our Autumn Ball will have a Venetian theme.  Students, friends, family all welcome, masked or not. PDF invitation

EDC Autumn Venetian Ball 2015


2015 Evening Classes in Court Dancing. Four terms run within the NSW school terms. Visit our Classes page for links to information about the classes, the benefits of learning early dance, along with details about what to wear, plus 2015 Class Schedule and Class Brochure.


2015 Summer Course in Renaissance & Baroque Dance - January 7-9, North Sydney.  The theme is Courtly & Comic, and the course concludes with a Summer Ball Summer Course Brochure


Term 4 Classes conclude with our Christmas-End-of-Year Party on Thursday 18 December, to which all are welcome, 6.30-9.00pm, at the usual venue in North Sydney.  PDF Invitation

EDC Christmas Party 2015

Our 6th Annual Summer Course 2015 will be held from Wednesday 7th to Friday 9th January, 9.15am to 3.45pm, with a Summer Ball on Friday evening (6.30pm-9.30pm).  The venue for both will be the usual in North Sydney.  Follow links for more details, and save the dates. 
(*PLEASE  NOTE Early-bird prices until 19 December)  Brochure  Enrolment Form


Spring Ball 26 September 2014

Spring Ball on
26 September, 6.30-9.30pm,
at the usual class venue in North Sydney.
For details see
PDF Invitation


Four members of The Early Dance Consort (Fiona & John, Catriona & Raffaele) performed a most successful program of Italian Renaissance Dances on the Main Stage for the Ferragosto Festival of Italian Culture (Great North Road, Five Dock) on Sunday 17 August. Ferragosto Festival for latest Festival information.


Mid-Winter Ball - Friday 4th July, 2014 - 6.30pm-9.30pm at the usual class venue in North Sydney. Invitation PDF


Cupid and Death ~ an English Masque from 1653
Glebe Cafe Church, 37 St Johns Road, Glebe (Sydney)
Friday 30 May - 7pm, Saturday 31 May, 2pm and 7pm

Words by James Shirley
Music by Matthew Locke and Christopher Gibbons
Produced by Imogen Granwal & Tara Hashambhoy
Directed by Nadia Piave
Musical direction by Richard Black
Choreography by Fiona Garlick

Chamberlain - Owen Elsley
Nature - Hester Wright
Mercury - Neil Kirkby
Host/Despair - Peter Williams
Chorus - Elli , Jenny Duck-Chong, Richard Black, Richard Bell
Dancing from The Early Dance Consort - Fiona Garlick & John Barnard, with Raffaele Arcamone & cast members
Rosalind Halton - Harpsichord
Samantha Cohen - Theorbo
Bridget Crouch and Tara Hashambhoy - Violins
Imogen Granwal -Cello

Cupid & Death Poster PDF


Summer 2014 - Our 5th annual Summer Course in Renaissance & Baroque Dance - January 8-10, 2014, with a focus on the French dance repertoire. Follow links for details & PDF brochure

Summer Ball - Bal à la Française on Friday 10th January, 6.30-9.30pm


Our Evening Classes for 2013 came to a close with the Christmas/End-of-year Party on Thursday 19 December.
EDC Christmas Party 19 December 2013, North Sydney


Bach Cello Series 2013: Bach Cello Suites and The Dance 15 Dec 2013
Fiona Garlick & John Barnard of The Early Dance Consort dance to movements from suites for cello and harpsichord by J. S. Bach.
Sunday December 15 at 3 pm, St Mark's Anglican Church, 250 George St, Fitzroy (Melbourne)
Rosanne Hunt (baroque cello), Josephine Vains (modern cello), Ann Morgan (harpsichord)
Choreography by Fiona Garlick
J S Bach                    Suite for solo cello in C major
                                  Suite for harpsichord in g minor
                                        (keyboard version of c minor cello suite)
                                   Sonata for gamba and keyboard in g minor
Domenico Gabrielli       Ricercar III in D major (baroque cello)
                                    Ricercar V in C major (modern cello)

Bach Cello Suites and the Dance - Concert 15 Dec 2013


Spring Tea Dance, Sunday 22 September, at a different and most elegant venue, Step Up Dance Studio, 1st floor, 160 Castlereagh Street, Sydney.


Purcell's The Fairy Queen production by students of AIM, October 2013
(The Australian Institute of Music
Performances: 10 am & 1 pm Thursday 24 October, 6.30 pm Saturday 26 October
Venue: Australian Hall, 150 Elizabeth St Sydney (closest station Museum).
Directed by Tyran Parke, Musical Direction by Hans-Dieter Michatz
(plus a little dancing by Fiona Garlick).
Entry free, bookings essential - go to


Dappled Cities 22 January 2013 ~ Cameo appearance by John & Fiona with Dappled Cities (& baroque musicians including members of the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra & Choir) in "The Future is Baroque" for the Sydney Festival's Paradiso at the Town Hall on Tuesday 22 January. A few photos


Summer Course & Ball 2013 - North Sydney
Workshops in Renaissance & Baroque Dance 9-11 January
Summer Ball Saturday 12 January


Christmas Party 2012 Thursday 20 December, 2012


Spring Ball 2012 Saturday 15 September 2012


Mid-Winter Ball 2012 23 June 2012


Autumn Ball + Earth Hour 2012 31st March 2012
2012 Autumn Ball Photos (please email for password to view)


Workshop & Lecture-demonstration “Baroque Dances and their Music” Adelaide, 17 January 2012, presented by Fiona Garlick & John Barnard for the Music Teachers’ Association of SA Inc. “Perspectives on Performance” Day, University of Adelaide. Brochure PDF


Summer Course & Ball 2012 - in North Sydney
Workshops in Renaissance & Baroque Dance January 11-13 Summer Ball Saturday January 14



EDC Christmas Party 15 December, 2011


Spring Ball 2011 17 September 2011


Mid-Winter Ball 2011 2 July 2011 ~ Photos


Performance for the French Cabaret & Circus, presented by the Sydney French Music and Dance Company, The Factory Theatre, Saturday 25 June, 2011, 7.30pm. YouTube Video excerpt (at 1:10 approx)


A French Taste performance with the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong with Lorenzo Colitto, guest director/baroque violin, Friday 3 June, 2011, 8.00pm, The Helena May, Hong Kong. Video Link to YouTube excerpt of Les Caractères de la Danse.


Workshops in early French Dance with Mme Magdeleine Méric in Sydney, April 12, 13, 14, May 3 and 4, 2011. Presented by The Sydney French Music and Dance Company.


Autumn Ball & Earth Hour 2011 Saturday 26 March, 2011, North Sydney


Dance Hits of the Baroque, for the Adelaide Fringe 2011, Saturday 19 February 2011 at the Burnside Ballroom, Adelaide, with Adelaide Baroque.


Summer Course 2011 Wednesday 12th - Friday 14th January, in North Sydney

Summer Ball 2011 for students & friends, Saturday 15 January, 6.30-9.30pm, North Sydney



Freshwater Festival of Chamber Music 2010, Presentations of Renaissance and Baroque dance, Monday 4th October, 2010 (October long weekend), at 12.30pm and 3.30pm in the Gymnasium at Freshwater Secondary Campus in Harbord Road, Freshwater NSW.


Spring Ball 2010 18 September 2010


Mid-Winter Ball 2010 for students & friends, Saturday 26th June, 6.30-9.30pm, North Sydney.


Pearl Beach Festival Concert B'tutta to Baroque with The Early Dance Consort & Con Spirito, 7.30pm, Sunday 13th June, 2010, Pearl Beach Memorial Hall, 9 Diamond Road, Pearl Beach.


Autumn Ball 2010  for students & friends, Saturday 27 March, 2010, 6.30pm - 9.30pm, North Sydney


Summer Course 2010 in Renaissance & Baroque Dance, Wednesday January 13 -Friday January 15, 2010, North Sydney

Summer Ball 2010 for students & friends, Saturday 16 January, 2010, 6.30pm - 9.30pm



Spring Ball 2009 for students & friends, Saturday 26th September, 2009, North Sydney ~ Photos


Mid-Winter Bal des Astres 2009 (Ball of the Stars) Saturday 4th July, 2009, North Sydney


Two Part Invention concert with The Marais Project, Saturday May 2, 2009, 4.00pm, Independent Theatre, North Sydney


Jewels of the Baroque performance with The Rameaunes: Speculative Baroque Orchestra for The Peninsula Music Club, 8.00 pm, Friday 17th April, 2009


Autumn Ball, Saturday 4th April 2009


Mid-Winter Bal à la Française 2008, Saturday 28th June, 6.30pm-9.30pm in North Sydney, with musicians from Affekt playing for us!


Baroque dance performance for Freshwater Festival Launch, Friday 19 September 2008


Performance in "Invitation to the Dance", with The Marais Project, directed by Jennifer Eriksson, Sunday 21st October 2007, at the Independent Theatre, North Sydney


Performance of Baroque music and dance, with ensemble Affekt, for the Australasian College of Phlebology, Friday 21st September, 2007, in Double Bay


Winter Ball, Saturday 16th June 2007, in North Sydney


Autumn Ball and Earth Hour 2007, Saturday 31st March 2007, in North Sydney 


work in rather slow progress...


Mozart Spring Ball 2005 Saturday 22nd October, 6.30-9.30pm, North Sydney


Performance with The Marais Project, directed by Jennifer Eriksson, Government House Ballroom, Sydney, Sunday 2nd May, 2004.


La Folia 1700-2003, Concert with The Marais Project 26 October, Shore Performing Arts Centre, North Sydney. Program including La Folia by Marin Marais, and ballet vivant by Stephen Yates.


Festival of Early Dance 2003, 10-11 January, in North Sydney. Workshops and performance with guest artist, Charles Garth, and musical ensemble Allegrezza.

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