THE EARLY DANCE CONSORT ~ Renaissance & Baroque Dance

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2016 Summer Course in Renaissance & Baroque Dance

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2016 Summer Course, January 6 to 8, North Sydney

2016 Summer Course in Renaissance & Baroque Dance
January 6-8 (Wednesday to Friday) North Sydney
Summer Ball 8 January

Do you love early music? Summer Course Branle image
    Do you have a passion for historical dramas?
Are you curious about how people amused themselves (and kept fit) in the days before social media, fitness apps, internet, TV, CDs or even radio?
    Why not take a step into the world of early dance?

Our 7th annual Summer Course is a perfect introduction for the uninitiated, delving into the dance delights of the courts of Europe—France, England and Italy, along with excursions into Scottish and Spanish inspired repertoire.
No previous experience required.
    Come for a day... Come for the course... 
And show what you’ve learnt at the Ball.
(See our Why learn for more reasons to try early dance.)

Course details

The Renaissance dance course will range from the Pavane & Galliard (standard 16th-century ball dances) to French, English and Italian court dances and ballets, both serious and skittish, along with some favourite English Country Dances.
The Baroque dance course will focus on the elegant style of noble “Belle danse” (beautiful dance) forged at the court of Louis XIV of France. The “Belle danse” came to dominate fashionable assemblies around Europe and laid the foundations for classical ballet technique today. Students will sample steps and sequences for a variety of dance types familiar from the baroque musical suite, and work towards one of the exquisite dances created for the early 18th-century ballroom.

Participants may enrol in one or both courses. Two Renaissance sessions take place each morning, and one Baroque session each afternoon. Students new to early dance are encouraged to attend the Wednesday sessions, to learn steps & sequences which will be built upon in following sessions.
Dances range from sedate to surprisingly energetic. Sessions will include preparatory warm-up exercises & deportment.

2016 Summer Course Schedule


Venue  Upper Hall, 181 Blues Point Road, North Sydney, a short walk south down Blues Point Rd from North Sydney Station (on Blue St).  Hall is on left-hand-side just before you reach the Lavender Street intersection.  Public transport is highly recommended, as parking is limited in the area.  Google Map

No previous dance experience is required, nor do you need to bring a partner. 

What to wear
Light comfortable clothes to give freedom of movement.  Flexible, comfortable, well-secured shoes, with straps, laces or elastic, and preferably without a rubber sole.  Flat shoes for Renaissance (e.g. ballet flats),  low-heeled shoes for Baroque (small heels 1cm-4cm high).  Jazz shoes or even lightweight street shoes may serve for both.
See What to wear for classes for more information.

Light refreshments will be provided for morning tea. Please bring a bottle of drinking water.  If staying for the day be prepared to bring/buy lunch (shops nearby).


Please download an enrolment form (or phone/email for one to be sent), complete and return by post/email. Payment is by cheque/money order or direct deposit (bank details on enrolment form).
Early-bird rates available up to December 18.
Phone or email if you need more information.

2016 Summer Course Fees


Summer Ball - Friday 8 January, 6.30pm, North Sydney


An Invitation to Students, Friends & Family Members, Summer Bal image
    & anyone curious about early dance...
Why not come along to our Summer Ball 2016 ?
    Friday 8 January, 6.30pm—9.30pm
        Upper Hall, 181 Blues Point Road, North Sydney

The Ball brings our Summer Course to a close with informal dance demonstrations & great dancing for everyone.
A relaxed get-together amongst friends, and chance for anyone who’d like to give early dance a try (no prior experience or partner needed, and attending the course is not prerequisite).
Cool clothing recommended, plus light comfortable dancing shoes.
Please bring a plate of simple finger food to share and/or something non-alcoholic to drink (cups, plates &c. provided)

We’d love you to join us.
    Best wishes,
        Fiona & John.

Entry adults $15, children $5
RSVP by Thursday 7 January
0400 104 969 or email


EDC Home | Summer 2016 | Details | Summer Ball | Brochure | Enrolment