THE EARLY DANCE CONSORT ~ Renaissance & Baroque Dance

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2017 Summer Course in Early Dance

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EDC Summer Course 2017

2017 Summer Course in Early Dance
January 11-13 (Wednesday to Friday) North Sydney
Summer Ball 13 January

2017 will be our eighth annual Summer Course in Renaissance & Baroque Dance. Baroque dance notation
Dancing in past centuries has served many purposes: social lubricant, an opportunity for courtship, aristocratic ostentation, and the ritual expression of civic joy.
It provided physical and mental exercise and discipline, and was the way of acquiring the deportment and manners needed to mix in society.
In the 21st century, after the rock'n'roll era almost obliterated structured social dancing for more than a generation, we are now re-discovering these benefits in reinvented and novel social dance forms - if only we can drag ourselves away from the virtual world of electronic distraction...
Amongst the various dance forms to enjoy a renaissance, Early Dance is unique in giving a real perspective on the renewal process, for the history of social dance never stands still!

Course details

The Renaissance dance course will cover French, English & Italian dances from the 16th & early 17th centuries. They range from graciously elegant to exuberantly lively, & interestingly intricate: French Pavanes and Branles, Galliards & Italian Balletti, along with delightful English Country Dances.

The Baroque dance course will move from the noble French baroque style of the late 17th century into Georgian England. It will include a formal ball dance for two by Kellom Tomlinson, and examples of the ensemble dances forms cultivated in fashionable assemblies during the 18th century, melding courtly steps & style with lively elements of English, French & Germanic folk dances.

Participants may choose either Renaissance or Baroque courses, or both. Each morning there will be a double Renaissance session, then in the afternoon one Baroque session. Students new to early dance are encouraged to attend Wednesday sessions to learn steps used later on. Sessions will include warm-up exercises, deportment, steps, and figures.

2017 Summer Course Schedule


Venue 181 Blues Point Road, North Sydney, a short walk south down Blues Point Rd from North Sydney Station (on Blue St), Hall is on left-hand-side just before you reach the Lavender Street intersection.   Google Map

No previous dance experience is required, nor do you need to bring a partner. 

What to wear
Light comfortable clothes, and secure shoes without rubber soles.
Flat shoes for Renaissance (e.g. ballet flats, jazz shoes or lightweight street shoes).
Heeled shoes for Baroque (small heels 1-4cm high) with straps or laces recommended.
See What to wear for classes for more information.

To eat
Light refreshments will be provided for morning tea. Please bring water to drink. If staying for the day be prepared to bring/buy lunch (shops nearby).


Please download an enrolment form or else request by post/email, complete & return. Payment is by cheque, direct deposit (bank details on enrolment form), or cash. Early-bird rates to December 16. Phone or email if you have further queries.

2017 Summer Course Fees


Summer Ball - Friday 13 January, 6.30pm, North Sydney

An Invitation to Friends, Students, & Family

 EDC 2017 Summer Ball
Friday 13 January, 6.30pm—9.30pm
181 Blues Point Road, North Sydney

The Ball brings our Summer Course to a close with dance demonstrations & dancing for all. 
Cool clothing recommended, dancing shoes essential.
Please bring a plate of simple finger food to share and/or something non-alcoholic to drink.
We do hope you can make it, and look forward to seeing you.
    With best wishes,
        Fiona & John.

Entry adults $15, children $5
RSVP by Thursday 12 January
0400 104 969 or email


EDC Home | Summer 2017 | Details | Summer Ball | Brochure | Enrolment